Monday, July 19, 2010

Video Games: An evolution.

Over the weekend I attempted to come up with a topic for the research project, with little success. So, I thought I’d go back to the beginning and explore my original idea of retro: the evolution and revival of video games.

I’d like to talk about gaming in its beginning stages, and how it was marketed to the masses. Also, as those masses grew older, how companies dealt with the shift in generation, focusing on a new target audience.


I’d like to talk about the consoles themselves, along with accessories, and how the designs have changed. Going from an NES to a Wii, or a bulky Xbox to an Xbox 360. Looking at shape and color as a reflection on consumer and societal wants.

Also, how companies have tried to integrate products into home entertainment systems through design. (ex: the sleek looking PS3 with a bluray player built in)

Finally I’d like to address the idea of retro in video games, and the revival of old characters and designs in advertising campaigns and merchandise.

I still need to do some more thinking on this, but hopefully that is enough to start with.


  1. Maybe selecting two earlier games, such as "Monopoly" or "Candyland", would be a way to address some of teh issues and get some historical depth too. Toys are good for thinking with.

  2. As a fellow PSPer! I look forward to this article! Yaaatttttaaaa!!!!!(^_^)
