Sunday, July 18, 2010

I would like to explore urban planning and public housing designs and the pros and cons of all three designs and ideologies.
Le Corbusier's 'Pavilion L'esprit Nouveau' and a prototype for a method of thinking of the home.Prefabrication and Gunnison homes; the designs and realizations of accessible, affordable, and individual homes. (1947)
Federally funded Pruitt-Igoe housing development in St. Louis designed by George Hellmuth and Minoru Yamasaki. (1951
And more recent designs like the 132 Housing Block in Madrid. by Estudio Entresiti.
I am interested in the modernisms utopian housing ideas of the early to mid 20th century and the theories behind the design as well as the construction of each design as a realization of spaces designed to literally house social transformation. I also am interested in the designs and realizations of these designs and the different forces beihnd them spanning from the individual architect/artist, projects funded and desired by the government, the capitalist stance regarding Gunnison and prefabricated homes and the new design in a contemporary era of the Madrid housing block.

1 comment:

  1. These are all excellent and important examples but make sure that you don't aim too wide. Perhaps comparing Ernst May's housing is a better example than Corbusier if you want to address more practical efforts that are not theatrical spectacles.
