Monday, July 5, 2010

Say Cheese!

OK and finally here is my retro image. This is a scanned Polaroid photo taken last year. The initial appeal of the camera when it was first manufactured was the ability to instantly see the photograph that you had taken. Obviously this is now possible with any digital camera whose photos can also be printed instantly in much better quality on a portable printer. There are even tutorials online that give you step-by-step instructions on how to take a digital photo into Photoshop and alter it to look like a Polaroid. But some people still want the unique quality that can only be found in a classic instant film camera.


  1. Thank you. I still want to know what you feel is the satisfaction you gain from this obsolete technology. Is it the instant gratification? Is it the pleasure of looking at your relatives' Polaroids? Where do you stand?

  2. Also, the image also intrigues me in terms of retro and I'd love to hear more about that too: I think of 'The Red Balloon' and the skyline reminds me of my childhood haunts on Amsterdam Avenue in New York City. Does 'form' fit 'content' here?
