Monday, July 19, 2010

OG - Retro - Re-Retro - Re-Re-Retro...

My final paper will be based on sneakers (surprise, surprise). More specifically, I will take a look at sneakers that were originally produced decades ago but have continued to be retro'd (re-released) to the present day in a variety of ways.

Using my own collection as well as other printed and online material, I will cover their initial designs and colorways and examine how, if at all, they've been modified over the years to fit the demands of/appeal to sneakerheads today in terms of collaborations, hybrids, color schemes and so on.

In addition, I will take a look at how they were marketed as well as attempting to pinpoint the reasons why some sneakers which are older than most of the people who consume them still remain as popular today as when they were originally released.


  1. All your own stuff? I am size 11 --maybe you have some hand-me-downs from when you were seventeen that would fit me and make me a bit more hip.
    On a more serious note, how about framing this within the larger trend of sports wear and leisure wear becoming acceptable in workplaces? This is a story that begins in vigor in post-war America and is a USA-originating phenomenon.
    See "American ingenuity: sportswear, 1930s-1970s" and RH Martin "The American look: fashion, sportswear and the image of women in 1930s and 1940s New York."

  2. Yep, all my own stuff. I've worn a 13/14 since I was 12 years old though so no sz 11s haha.

    Thanks for giving me another way of tackling the paper. I'm still sorting out all the loose ends so this gives me a bit more to work with/ think about.
