Wednesday, July 28, 2010

great presentations yesterday fellow scholars
Laura really enjoyed all of your presentations thanks to the high percentage of pop-culture references.

Drew you have a really tight theme and network of information of relative comparisons and contrasts. Demographics will be a very interesting thing to explore when looking at the intergenerational response to one type of shoe. I am also interested in the way Nike shifted the image of Converse.

Gabe You have a lot of. I think, exciting content to work with. Whether Martha S. is good or bad does not need to be the argument but the response of she prokovoked and the demand she catered to is fascinating. I think it will be interesting to compare Larkin, Stewart and Etsy since they all have a very different demographic but lifestyles they hope to inspire.
Gabe I have been thinking a lot about yours especially in the context of institutionalized and objectified (in a sense) cultural capital initially theorized by Pierre Bourdieu. The institution of domesticity and patriarchy as an institution punishing 'female flippery' and punishing it (by deeming it flippery) to inspire 'productivity'.


  1. I was thinking about Drew's shoes and one thought that keeps coming to mind is the reversal of gender in the commodification of these shoes. Typically when I hear about a pair of $5000 shoes I immediatly assume they are Manolo Blahnik's or another pair of designer heels... made by men for women. This thought ties into foot fetishization (and in the case of China where most shoes are manufactured, foot wrapping)
    To me what is really interesting here is taking the idea of being "well healed," and the idea of a shoe collector and tying it to male consumerism as opposed to female. I think there is a lot you could tie this into politically if you were so inclined.

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  3. Clair did a great job on the video game systems. I had no idea there was such diversity in game controllers, and also found it interesting that Sony's Playstation controller remained pretty much unchanged through the evolution of the platforms. It's almost as if all the game designers designed their games around that controller for each platform.

    Christin's Art Nouveau presentation was excellent. I have no idea what kind of rubric Ezra was using, if at all, but her presentation was well put together with a lot of examples to emphasize certain points. I personally modified my own presentation after seeing yours Christin, and not just with wearing clothing (^_^). Those posters definately had a commonality throughout as Ezra initially told us to be mindful of. Great job.
